Day 420

We've met more interesting characters and have had a few more memorable moments.

We contacted an address on the other side of the street from the chapel one day and a woman came out with a severe expression of annoyance already on her face and with her arms outstretched, palms outward. Her posture reminded us hilariously of the Christus statue as she glared expectantly.

"We talked with Carlos and he said that we could share a message some other day, so we're passing by today."

"...I don't think so." *continued glaring, continued Christus pose*

"Okay... have a good day!"

One of our principal investigators (who's been to church with us two times recently) was drunk and we weren't able to bring him to conference. He had actually shown up at the chapel that same morning at 8:30, though we had said it would only be in the afternoon. He was adamant that we had lied to him about the meeting hours, and slammed the door, but that's just the alcohol. We'll pass by this week and smooth things out. (and teach the Word of Wisdom).

Elder Cox from California got here on Tuesday, he has 4 months in Brasil. We found Moses' tablets at a park.

The value of a single day stands out.
It's not even about baptisms, really, but if by you being present, your area was left a bit better. I think the happiest moments I've felt haven't even been seeing someone be baptized. Even better is when months, or even a year passes and you discover that these people are still at church on Sundays, are still learning, are still excited. That's the moment where I feel that my time here paid off. What we do is important, even though sometimes it really feels like a drop in the bucket. Before the mission I really thought of a person's story as a series of events, but now the marking moments of my story have become the people we've been able to help.
I'll try to keep it that way. We're keeping busy, in the best way!

Love, Spencer


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